What is the Jock, Nerd, Prep, and Goth Chart test and quiz online link

What is the Jock, Nerd, Prep, and Goth Chart test and quiz online link

With filters, tests, and trends going viral on the internet, TikTok has been getting a lot of attention lately, know about the latest jock, nerd, prep, goth chart test quiz

The Jock, Nerd, Prep, and Goth quiz is one of the most recent ones to generate hype. Know how to take the test.

How to take the Jock, Nerd, Prep, and Goth  Chart test that’s going viral on TikTok

Quizzes that help people better understand their personalities are very popular among social media users. The increasing craze for such types of trends doesn’t appear to be ending soon.

Fortunately, the majority of the tests that have been appearing on the site have survived the mania.

Explained what is the Jock, Nerd, Prep, and Goth Chart test and quiz online link

On the website of IDRLabs’ website., you can take the Jock, Nerd, Prep, and Goth chart tests. You have the choice of providing a thumbs-up, thumbs-down, or neutral response to each of the 22 questions.


The website asks some common questions or statements. These statements can include “traditional male gender roles and expressions of masculinity are important and should be celebrated,” “debating and discussing complex ideas and theories is an important intellectual exercise,” and others. The purpose of such a quiz is to discover your true personality.

What Is The Quiz About?


If a person acquires “Jocks,” he is frequently thought of as being athletic or a sports fanatic. He or she exhibits more “strength, courage, and aggressiveness,” which are characteristics associated with men.


On the other hand, nerds are those who enjoy reading and discovering new information. They are motivated all the time because they are fascinated by anything novel. As they enjoy exploring and learning more, they are frequently the smartest people in the room.


Those who receive the result as a “prep” are thought to have a polished appearance more akin to that of someone from an Ivy League-type upbringing. Such types of personalities also adore sports like tennis, golf, and others.



Finally, goths are for those who appreciate both fashion and art. These people are more inclined to make their own rules and do what they want to do than to stick to what is accepted as usual. This subculture has a history of romanticising the dark.

Another Option Is The South Park Test

The South Park personality test was another quiz that recently went viral on social media platforms. This test is available on the IDRLabs website. Simply go to the website and respond to the 35 questions that are displayed on the screen.

