Who Is Enoch Apodaca Who Set Off Bombs In Local Union 68 Of The IBEW, His Age And Wife

Who Is Enoch Apodaca Who Set Off Bombs In Local Union 68 Of The IBEW, His Age And Wife

Enoch Apodaca has been in the news because he killed himself after detonating multiple bombs and killing his wife, know his age

On December 25, 2022, Enoch Apodaca, 46, a former member of the congregation, was discovered dead outside the Thornton, Colorado, location of Kingdom Hall. According to reports, he is thought to have blasted Local Union 68 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) earlier that day.

Who Is Enoch Apodaca Who Set Off Bombs In Local Union 68 Of The IBEW, His Age, Wife And News

On Christmas Eve, he also shot and killed himself after first killing his 44-year-old wife Melissa Apodaca.

He allegedly also placed three bombs inside the Jehovah’s Witnesses worship center, according to the police. Additionally, he placed explosives in suburban Denver, Colorado, but none of them detonated.


At 8:45 in the morning, Enoch Apodaca carried a bucket to the local 68 building. After he left the hallway and entered a car, there was a large explosion was reported, which led the authorities to believe that the 46-year-old was responsible for the explosion. The explosives employed at the hall were comparable to those hidden inside the structure of the Kingdom Hall.

Since then, he has been in the news with many people trying to find out more about him. So, here’s what we know about him:

Who Was Enoch Apodaca?

Enoch Apodaca was an American man who was recently in the news because he killed himself after detonating multiple bombs.

He was a 46-year-old man. He was married and his spouse’s name was Melissa Apodaca. She was just 44 years old when she died. He was a member of the Kingdom Hall congregation with his wife.


He and his wife were discovered dead outside the Kingdom Hall on December 25, 2022. Reportedly, he used a pistol to first murder his wife before turning the gun on himself. Additionally, he detonated bombs in Kingdom Hall.

According to reports, Enoch Apodaca reportedly threatened violence against a number of people in the past. He had threatened to kill his wife Melissa and the union leader in a letter he had sent after losing his work as an electrician in 2021. In addition, his employer requested a protective order against him after he threatened to hurt those who were to blame for his dismissal.

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