Who Is Cocaine Bear And The True Story Behind The 1985 Incident

Who Is Cocaine Bear And The True Story Behind The 1985 Incident

A body on a driveway marks the beginning of Cocaine Bear tale, know about the true story in 1985

Know the actual story behind the cocaine bear, commonly known as Pablo Escobear in the article below.

Know Who Is Cocaine Bear And The True Story Behind The 1985 Incident

Before he started smuggling drugs, Andrew Carter Thornton II served as a paratrooper, police officer, and attorney. He flew his Cessna 404 from Colombia to the United States and brought tonnes of cocaine with him. That came to an end on September 11, 1985, when Knoxville, Tennessee, police found Thornton’s decomposing body in a driveway. He was heavily armed, wearing a bulletproof vest, and had a duffel bag tied around his waist that contained around 77 pounds of cocaine, which was subsequently estimated to be worth $14 million. 

He also had thousands of dollars in cash. Authorities eventually located Thornton’s body approximately 60 miles distantly and identified him using a key they had found on his body. It appeared that he passed away when his parachute failed to open after he had jumped from his jet. Before making his disastrous plunge, Thornton had set the plane on autopilot and pointed it in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean.

But it found out that Thornton wasn’t the only victim of his last smuggling operation. In the Chattahoochee National Forest, a hunter came across a dead 175-pound black bear in November 1985. The unhappy cat had apparently gotten into the blow and overdosed; nearby was a duffel bag that had initially carried about 75 pounds of cocaine. The heinous scene was directly in the Cessna’s flight path, as the authorities ultimately concluded.

Rise Of The Movie Cocaine Bear

The tale of the bear will soon be turned into a movie classic. Cocaine Bear, a character-driven thriller based on actual events that happened in Kentucky in 1985, will be directed by Elizabeth Banks this summer, according to Deadline.


In truth, three weeks went by before a game and the fish agent learnt about the bear and notified the GBI. The hunter who discovered the movie’s titular character did not alert the authorities to the find. On December 20, when the bear’s body was ultimately found, all 40 sachets of cocaine had been opened and emptied.

Although he estimated the bear had ingested only 3 to 4 grammes of cocaine into its bloodstream at the time of its death, the chief medical examiner at the Georgia State Crime Lab stated to Kentucky for Kentucky Fun Mall, where the bear is currently on display, that the bear’s stomach was “literally packed to the brim with cocaine.” 

While there isn’t a lot of scientific research on cocaine and bears, a human of the same size needs roughly 7.5 grammes to die. Some police officers questioned if the bear, afterwards known as “Pablo Escobear” or simply “Cocaine Bear,” had actually consumed or destroyed 75 pounds of cocaine, or if someone from the neighbourhood had stolen it.

The Story That Had No End

Unusually, Cocaine Bear would continue to be involved in mysteries after that. In order to preserve the bear, the head medical examiner of the GSCL had a friend taxidermise it. The bear was initially given to the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. But when the bear was put in storage to keep it safe from the risk of wildfires, it vanished. 


The country musician Waylon Jennings subsequently acquired it from a pawn shop where it eventually showed up. Finally, Cocaine Bear’s earthly remains found their way to the Fun Mall, where they still are today.

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