Jeffrey Dahmer House Tour, Address And Milwaukee Apartment Location

Jeffrey Dahmer House Tour, Address And Milwaukee Apartment Location

Since the release of Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story on Netflix, Jeffrey Dahmer has been the topic of conversation, know about his house and address

Fans responded favourably to the compelling series created by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan. Complimenting Evan Peters in particular for his terrifying portrayal of the serial murderer.

The serial killer’s personality, residence, and activities were all extensively depicted in the series. And the majority of these elements were entirely factual. There is no doubting that the series has brought Dahmer back into the public eye, despite criticism of some of its elements.

Jeffrey Dahmer House Tour, Address, Milwaukee Apartment Location

After his capture, Jeffrey Dahmer’s Building Was Destroyed

In the two years prior to his capture, Dahmer was responsible for the majority of the murders. In 1990, Jeffrey relocated from his grandmother’s home to the Oxford Apartments at 924 North 25th Street. He lived there until his capture in 1991 and committed 12 murders there.


According to reports, his apartment’s residents frequently griped about unusual odours and noises. The building manager, Sopa Princewill, was also alerted to these issues by other occupants of the property.

Dahmer offered a variety of explanations for the sounds and odours. Despite repeated attempts to figure out what he was up to. The management did not report anything to the police.

Demolishing After Dahmer’s Arrest

The Campus Circle Project, the building’s owners, made the decision to demolish the structure following Jeffrey Dahmer’s arrest. To show community support, this was done. Patrick LeSage, the project’s president, said:

“It has been used as a metaphor for rage, suffering, violence, and death. It has to be replaced with a symbol of our determination to aid in healing and cooperate as a caring community.”


Prior to the demolition, the project also assisted the surviving residents in relocating. After the notorious serial killer’s crimes were exposed, the building’s residents decided didn’t want to stay there. 

Even now, the plot is still empty, with only a few little trees and flowers growing there. There have previously been unsuccessful attempts to turn the vacant land into a memorial garden. Given that most people are hesitant to purchase or reside near a location where Jeffrey Dahmer’s ghost and crimes loom large. It is likely that the property will remain empty.

For each of the killings he committed, Jeffrey Dahmer received a sentence of 16 life terms in prison. However, a fellow prisoner shot and killed him within the facility after he allegedly provoked him with his dark sense of humour.