Rishi Sunak Religion, Bhagavad Gita Oath And Indian Roots Explored As He Edges Closer To Become The New UK Prime Minister

Rishi Sunak Religion, Bhagavad Gita Oath And Indian Roots Explored As He Edges Closer To Become The New UK Prime Minister

As the Tory leadership contest between the two candidates, Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss progresses, people are becoming more and more curious about their lives and careers, know Sunak’s religion and age

Today, we are going to explore a few details about their lives, careers and religion. 

Rishi Sunak Religion And Indian Roots Explored As He Edges Closer To Become The New UK PM

What is Rishi Sunak’s Religion?

Rishi was born in Southampton in 1980, to parents with a Punjabi heritage. He has been vocal about his cultural heritage and religion on a number of occasions. 

Rishi Sunak is Hindu which simply means he subscribes to Hinduism. Hinduism is the largest religion in India and it is the 3rd largest religion in the world, with more than 1.2 billion people practicing the faith and the oldest religion in the Indian, one laden to the brim with pious values and cultures. 

During an interview in 2015 with Business Standard, Rishi spoke about his identity. He said, “I am thoroughly British, this is my home and my country, but my religious and cultural heritage is Indian, my wife is Indian. I am open about being a Hindu”. 

According to an interview with Business Standard, Rishi does not eat beef. 


Rishi’s Parliamentary Oath

The “Oath of Allience” is a promise that must be made by every member of Parliament whether that member is new or returning to take their seat either after an election, by-election or following the passing of a monarch. 

Every MPs are given a standard set of words which they have to recite, affirming their commitment to the Queen and the State. 

While doing so, they are free to hold any sacred text of their choosing, it can be a copy of the Bible, Quran etc. 

In his 2019 General Election, when Rishi was the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, he held up a copy of “Bhagavad Gita”.


The Bhagavad-Gita is a copy of Hindu Holy Scriptures. Sunak once again, displayed his proud commitment to Hinduism during his oath ceremony. However, he was been targetted by Muslims since who have tried to belittle him as a part of their persistent attacks against Hinduism in India with scores of Hindus being butchered and killed by Islamists in the last month.

Following, the then British Cabinet Minister, Alok Sharma also swore on the Bhagavad-Gita in what was said to be the most diverse mix of Parliamentarians ever, with no less than 65 non-white MPs. 

If Rishi Sunak is elected to be the leader of Conservative party and subsequently the next Prime Minister of the UK, he would be making history. 

According to several reports, In the modern era, there has not been any minority ethnic Prime Minister. If Rishi is to be elected as one on coming September 5th, he would be the first Hindu and first ethnic minority PM since Benjamin Disraeli in the 19th century.

Ballots are currently open for Conservative Party Members and to the public for making their choice of the outcome of the race between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak.


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